HSP Updates

Dr. Claudia Herrera-Montero

December 30, 2024
Written by: mark

Assistant Professor of Theology

Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Dominican University 

Dr. Herrera-Montero is a Catholic practical theologian and assistant professor of theology at Dominican University. She is a native of Bogotá, Colombia where she pursued her undergraduate studies in International Relations and Political Sciences from Universidad del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary University). She holds an M.A. in Pastoral Ministries and a Ph.D. in Practical Theology from St. Thomas University in Miami, FL. Her scholarly work sits at the intersection of U.S. Latina/x theologies and practical theology. Her latest peer-review publications and presentations include Participatory Action Research (PAR) and the exploration of the faith identity, spirituality, and social contexts among first-generation college-age Latinas. Her research has also enabled her to better engage underrepresented communities in both the classroom and ministerial settings. 

Dr. Herrera comes to Dominican University with an experience in Catholic Higher education since 2010. Before her faculty appointment, she served as a lay minister, director of campus ministry, and theology faculty in the Archdiocese of Miami. In addition, she has contributed to the formation of Hispanic Ministry leaders from the Dioceses of the Southeast. Dr. Herrera serves as the Secretary of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). As a Latina practical theologian, she draws from the spiritual and cultural wells of both the U.S. Latinx Catholic experience and the Latin American experience.