General Program Information
By the end of this course, students will:
- Receive three graduate-level credits granted by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and;
- Complete all the components for, and submit applications to, doctoral (Ph.D. and Th.D.) programs across the country.
In order to accompany students through the doctoral application process, over the course of the Fall semester (August through December) participating students will:
- Work with a team of Latinx educators in order to determine where they will apply for doctoral studies;
- Design an independent study focused on the academic field in which they will pursue a doctoral degree;
- Complete each component of the doctoral application process including, but not limited to, an application essay, Curriculum Vitae, and writing sample;
- Work with professional editors to improve their application materials;
- Receive mentoring from senior Latinx scholars to strengthen their applications, addressing common requirements of the Ph.D./Th.D. selection process such as developing a successful personal statement, navigating the politics of interviews, and negotiating multiple admissions offers;
- Apply to doctoral programs before the end of the semester.
This is a graduate-level course in which participating students will receive three graduate-level credits toward their degree. Credits will be granted by Austin Presbyterian Theological
Seminary. To earn the three academic credits allotted for this course, students must complete all components of the doctoral application process including the writing sample which is typically 25 – 35 pages long (depending on the field and program). Designing this seminar as a credit-granting course has proven to create space in a student’s schedule to complete the doctoral application process.
Space is limited to 10 students.
Classes begin the last week of August, exact date TBA.
In addition to general demographic questions, in this application you will be asked to provide:
1. A pdf of your current transcript;
2. Information for one recommender;
3. Answers to the following questions:
—Why do you hope to pursue doctoral education at this point in your academic career? [200 Words]
—Briefly describe the research project you hope to pursue through a doctoral program. [300 Words]
In order to be eligible for the Latinx Doctoral Accompaniment Seminar you must:
- Be a Latinx-identifying student
- Be in the final year of a Masters level program at an HSP Sponsoring School and/or HTI Member School**
**Please Note: Though credit transfer is guaranteed for students from HSP Sponsoring Schools, credit transfer for students from HTI Member Schools that are not HSP Sponsors would be subject to negotiation with the student’s home institution.
Tuition for this program is set at $375, due upon enrollment in the course if accepted.
Application Dates Applications Open: TBD
Applications Close: TBD