This program is designed for non-Latinx institutional leaders who are interested in improving the conditions for Latinx students and colleagues at their institutions.
Through Hispanic Eyes (THE) seeks to tangibly change theological education through developing cohorts of individuals committed to pursuing practical projects at their home institutions that are in service of Latinx communities. As a result, all workshop participants will be part of a year-long cohort that begins in person. Over three days, cohort participants will engage in complex conversations about cultural competency while constructing an individualized project that can tangibly improve conditions for Latinx students and colleagues at their institutions. After the in-person component, THE Cohort members will return to their institutions to begin implementing this project before reporting back and receiving feedback from their cohort mates in two subsequent online gatherings.
June 18 – 21, 2025
Duke Divinity School | Durham, North Carolina
- To participate in Through Hispanic Eyes you must be a non-Latinx faculty member, staff member, or administrator from one of HSP’s sponsoring schools.
- All those interested must be able to commit to all three sessions and must apply through the HSP website.
- If accepted, participants must pay all associated fees for the program by the stated deadline. Space is limited.
Application Dates
Teresa Delgado, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
St. John’s University
Teresa Delgado, Ph.D., is Dean of St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University, NY. She received her doctorate from Union Theological Seminary (NYC), and has published on topics ranging from decolonial theology, diversity in higher education, transformational pedagogies, constructive theology and ethics, and justice for racially, ethnically and sexually minoritized persons. Among her publications is the groundbreaking text, A Puerto Rican Decolonial Theology: Prophesy Freedom (Palgrave, 2017). A Senior Fellow of the Ford Foundation, she has served on the board of the Hispanic Theological Initiative; as well as a member of the mentoring consortium of the Forum for Theological Exploration; and the advisory committee of the Wabash Center for Teaching & Learning in Theology and Religion. Dr. Delgado served as President of the Board of WESPAC (Westchester People’s Action Coalition), a leading force of social justice activism in Westchester County, and currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of Colgate University and The Ursuline School.
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Dr. Eduardo Fernández, S.J.
Professor of Pastoral Theology and Ministry
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
As Professor of Pastoral Theology and Ministry at the Jesuit School, Fr. Fernández teaches such courses as Church, Mission and Cultures; Intercultural Ministry: Parish, Campus, and Classroom; Latino/a Theology Seminar; Sacraments in Latino Context; and often supervises doctoral students in creating and teaching innovative courses, for example, Decolonizing Mission; and Theology and Ministry in the Age of Migration. He specializes in Hispanic/Latinx theology, Mexican and U.S. History of the Southwest, social justice, inculturation, and the celebration of sacraments in intercultural contexts.
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