Since 1989 the HSP has been able to supplement and enrich the theological and ministerial education offered in seminaries, theological schools, and universities, with academic courses and other programs directly addressing Latinx history, ministry, and theology.
The HSP offers programs under four categories; Education, Development, Mentorship, and Scholarship. As an ecumenical and inter-religious program, the HSP seeks to heal the divisions in the Latinx community fueled by denominational and theological differences. As a Latinx program, the HSP is committed to furthering the education of Latinx students and preparing them for professional careers. Additionally, the HSP is focused on restoring connections and building bridges between Latinx and non-Latinx communities by enhancing the awareness and appreciation that non-Latinx scholars, ministers, and administrators have of Latinx contributions to the past, present, and future of our religious institutions and our nation.